
Monday, July 15, 2019

2019 IOMPC, International Olympic Mathematics Programming Contest

I. Purpose:
1. Strengthen the exchange of teaching strategies for international students' mathematics computing teaching tools
2. Combine international applied mathematics scholars to develop mathematics program coding and questions solving skills
3. Systematical develop teaching resources and learning activities for sharing
4. Organizing the International Academic Mathematics Problem-Solving Activity

II. Solve the Questions:   Online
1. Person (in single):  Mathematics and logic questions
2. Group (3 students who are enrolled become a group) Animation (storytelling) design or   Game programming

III. Website:
The registration website will soon be published at: http://www.iwmil.com

IV. Charges: (in conference discussion) per person US$10-20

V.  Contest:
      Preliminary contest & Final contest
  This competition is divided into preliminary and rematch (final)
   Competition schedule: Preliminary round Dec. 15-20, 2019 (on  the Internet)
      The rematch (tentative) Aug. 15, 2019, Taiwan

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Math and Coding Relationship

The map above illustrates the relationship between Mathematics and Information Technology, which is a picture from left to right.  There are 6 fields on the top. The leftmost column is the grade of the student’s school year. The fields from left to the right are Mathematics foundation, Computational thinking, Programming language, Information management, Creative thinking, and Application environment. The left column is school year from the first grade up of the following elementary school goes on until the university study listed the mathematics subjects that students have learned at school. The Count numbers and Arithmetic numbers written by the first grade to the sixth (elementary level) grade are followed by algebra, geometry, probability, triangle, permutation & combinations, exponent & logarithms, etc. After the university, they will also learn calculus, algorithms, data structures, numerical analysis, etc. and related subjects in the field of information technology.

From the lower left corner of the drawing to the upper right corner, you can clearly understand that the current trend of information technology development and the relevance of school teaching courses. It should be noted that in the past, if you tried to calculate number by hand, you can only count the small numbers. In the mathematics of elementary school level, when the information technology develops to a certain stage, the course after the middle school needs to be calculated by computer operation. Before now when the programming language is not yet popular, the learning of algebra as well as geometry, and other mathematics only known as theory, cannot calculate the result by hand. There is not much help in the theoretical study. Since computer developed it has been closely related to human live, education or engineering. If you don't learn the programming language, you might not implement your creative thinking, and cannot meets the needs of the workplace. So, the focus is on the current information era, everyone in this information environment must learn to code.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Welcome to WMIL web

 WMILWorld Mind Innovation League 

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你寫的 Scratch 程式如何 列印 作品證書?

你寫的 Scratch 程式如何 列印 作品證書 ? 在 數科平台 上 有一個 程式評閱功能, 它可以為你的 Scratch 程式評分, 評分共分六個項目 :  (  評分準則 :   https://wmilweb.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_...